If you need to check whether your IP address got blocked by our shared hosting server or not, then you need to check with telnet.
If you are using Windows, you can install telnet from your pc or laptop. However, this may need Administrator level.
Search a menu called cmd within your Windows search. And then right click open as Administrator.
dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient
After finished, now we can use telnet feature. First check your email configuration hostname. For example it is mail.yourmail.
Now fill it into your cmd include the port as well. For incoming email, it is 143 or 110. So it will be :
telnet mail.yourmail 143
If your IP not blocked then the output will be:
However if your IP blocked then the output will be something like this:
C:\Users\YourUsername> telnet mail.yourmail 143
Connecting To mail.yourmail.com...Could not open connection to the host, on port 143: Connect failed