How to Check PTR Record

What is a PTR Record?

PTR record or Pointer Record is an important part of the DNS (Domain Name System) system that plays a role in converting IP addresses to domain names. In simple terms, a PTR record is responsible for linking an IP address to its corresponding domain name.

This is often used to verify the identity of the server and ensure that the IP address is not involved in any suspicious activity.

How to Check PTR Record?

To verify PTR records, you can utilize several approaches. Here are the points that may be useful.

How to Check PTR Record with Nslookup Command (Windows OS)

To check PTR records using the nslookup command on Windows operating systems, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to Command Prompt. Press Win + R keys to open Run or type cmd and press Enter.
  2. Run Nslookup: In the Command Prompt window, type the following command:
  3. Set up DNS Servers (Optional): If you want to use a specific DNS server, you can set it up with the following command: server [address-IP-DNS] Replace [address-IP-DNS] with the IP address of the DNS server you want to use.
  4. PTR Record Check: After entering the nslookup mode, type in the IP address you want to check the PTR record. 
    For example: Press Enter.
  5. View Results: Nslookup will display the PTR record information for the IP address you entered.
    For example:
    > server
    The result will display the PTR record information if available.

Note that the results obtained depend on the DNS server configuration and whether a PTR record has been set for the IP address you are checking.

How to Check PTR Record with Command Dig (Linux and Mac)

To check PTR records using the dig command on Linux or Mac operating systems, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Terminal: Open a terminal on a Linux or Mac operating system.
  2. Run the Dig command: Type the following command to check the PTR record dig -x [alamat-IP]
    Replace [IP-address] with the IP address for which you want to check the PTR record.
  3. View Results: After executing the command, dig will display the PTR record information for the IP address you entered.
    For example:
    dig -x
    The result will include the PTR record information if available.

Keep in mind that the availability of PTR records depends on the configuration of the DNS server in use and whether PTR records have been set for the IP address you are checking.

How to Check PTR Record with Online Tools

You can use various online tools to check PTR records. One of the commonly used tools is "PTR Lookup" or "Reverse DNS Lookup." Here are the steps to use this online tool:

  1. Open Browser: Open your favorite web browser.
  2. Visit the PTR Lookup Website: Visit a website that provides PTR Lookup services. Examples of sites that provide this service are MxToolBox or ViewDNS.
  3. Enter IP Address: On the PTR Lookup page, there is usually an input box where you can enter the IP address for which you want to check the PTR record.
  4. Click the Check or Lookup Button: After entering the IP address, click the button that says "Check" or "Lookup" to start the search process.
  5. View Results: The website will display the PTR record search results for the IP address you entered. This information may include the hostname or domain associated with the IP address.


Keep in mind that these online tools rely on the DNS databases they use, and results may vary depending on the database update rate and the configuration of the DNS servers used by the tool.

How to Create a PTR Record?

Creating a PTR record is not complicated, but it requires the right steps. Here is a quick guide to creating a PTR record:

DNS Panel Access

Open the DNS panel on your hosting service provider. This can be cPanel, Plesk, or a similar platform.

Select PTR Option

Look for options related to PTR records. Usually, these can be found in the DNS Management section or similar.

Add PTR Record

Add the PTR record by entering the server IP address and domain name accordingly. Make sure to save the changes you make.


Verify that the PTR record has been created correctly. Use the online DNS verification tool to check the validity of the PTR record.


Dalam era di mana keamanan jaringan menjadi prioritas utama, pemahaman mendalam tentang PTR record sangatlah penting. Artikel ini telah memberikan panduan komprehensif, mulai dari apa itu PTR record hingga langkah-langkah praktis dalam membuatnya. Dengan menerapkan PTR record secara benar, Anda dapat meningkatkan keamanan dan kepercayaan dalam operasional jaringan Anda.

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