Restoring Lost Blogger CNAME

The case for:

One of the webs that I manage is experiencing problems in its DNS. Which resulted in the blogger I was using not being able to connect to the domain provider I was using.

I checked with the domain provider, it turns out that the CNAME from Google that should be there has disappeared somewhere.

It was also confusing at the beginning, because there were 2 CNAMEs needed, the first CNAME was all the same name 'www' type 'CNAME' value ''. This second CNAME is problematic, because every blog that is connected to a 3rd party domain has different codes.

Dizzy because there are 2 CNAMEs needed suddenly lost, Relax ..! here to get your CNAME back.

For the second CNAME we can see it again on Google Webmaster.

1. Login to Google Webmaster

Please go to

2. Add Properties and fill in the domain name:

3. Select "Alternate Mode" and choose Domain name provider

4. After Select the domain name provider name you must select the register name or the name of your domain name provider.

For simplicity, you can select "Other"

5. The first time there will be a TXT record display on the domain, because we need a cname then click Add CNAME.

6.  Your CNAME appears, you can copy and enter it into your DNS management for Custom Blogspot purposes.

That's how to Restore a Lost Blogger CNAME


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