Solve HTTP Error Upload Image in WordPress

Have you ever experienced the error message "Uploading HTTP Error" when uploading images? The problem is caused by the WordPress CMS failing to access more memory to the server for the image upload process that is being carried out.

To overcome these obstacles, here are the steps:

1. Login to cPanel

2. After login, enter the menu File Manager.

3. Then go to the public_html directory and find the file called wp-config.php, right-click and Edit.

4. Look for the line /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ then just above that line, add the following code:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

5. Save the file, refresh the WordPress administrator page, and try uploading the image again.

6. If you still experience problems during the image upload process, please try changing the php version used. For WordPres CMS, we recommend using php version 7 and above.  Here is the reference for the php version change:

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