How to Add Popups and Ads in WordPress

Here's a guide on how to add popups and ads in WordPress. But before you start this guide, make sure you have a WordPress website.

Enter the Admin Page

The first step is to log in to your WordPress admin page.

Pasang Plugin Floating Ads Bottom

After entering the admin page, next you go to the Plugins section then select Add New Plugin.

Search for the plugin name "Floating Ads Bottom" by typing the plugin name in the search bar. If the plugin has been found, you can immediately press the install button and after that activate it.

Upload Ad Image

If the plugin is already active, the next step is to upload your ad image that will be installed on the website. We recommend using an image with a size of 340 × 55. This size is very suitable when viewed on Desktop or Mobile. Just upload the image on the media and don't forget to copy the image URL.

If it has been uploaded, then you can go to the next section.

Place Your Ad

After the banner is uploaded, you return to the front of the admin page and move the mouse cursor to the left menu of WordPress. Choose Settings, and select "Floating Bottom Ads". Tap the Floating Bottom Ads section to enter the settings.

After clicking, options such as desktop browser, mobile browser and empty box will appear. You can choose where the ad will appear or be displayed, whether the ad will appear on desktop or on mobile. To install an advertising image, you can use simple HTML codes such as image source, alt text, destination URL if the image is clicked, size and others.

But if you don't know the HTML code, don't worry. We have provided the code below. Set the image source code (src) and destination URL (a href) according to what you want.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Alternative Text" /></a>

When you're done with the settings, select Enable and then click the Save Changes button. Here's an example of how the ad image looks installed on a WordPress website.

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