Hi Exabees! There are several things that need to be considered to know the condition of the VPS that you are using. How to find out the processes running on a Linux VPS Server?
To find out the condition of the VPS that is being used, you can use a command prompt for servers that use the Linux operating system.
With some of these command prompts or commands, you can find out what is happening on the VPS server.
Knowing the Space on a VPS Server
Space usage is very influential in VPS management. As time goes by using the VPS, the VPS space capacity will continue to decrease. Therefore, so that the VPS can still run normally, it is important to know the space on the VPS.
The following commands can be used to check the VPS space. Make sure you already have VPS root access via the SSH console.
The first command to know is the df (disk file system) command. With this command, you can see the disk space being used and how much storage space is left in the VPS.
There are several columns that will be visible. Such as filesystem, Size, Used, Available, Use %, Mounted On, and other information.
FileSystem : Display the file system name.
Size : Display the total size information of the filesystem.
Used : Display disk space information that has been used for the filesystem.
Available : Displays how much disk space is left.
Use % : Displays the percentage of disk space that has been used.
Mounted On : The last column that displays the mount point of the filesystem.
There are several command dfs that can be used:
df -h
This command displays the disk space usage of your VPS as a whole. The space usage will be displayed according to the space in gigabytes, megabytes, and bytes.
df -m
If you want to see the file size in MB units, you can use this one command. All file systems will be read in megabytes (MB).
df -T
This command will indicate the type of file system on the VPS server. You can also add other commands, such as -h, to find out the desired unit of measure.
df -i
This command will show the inodes or the total number of files in the VPS server file system that you are using.
df –help
To find out other commands, you can use this command. You can use the command according to your VPS checking needs.
Command du
The next command is du (disk space). With this command, you can find out how much space is used in a folder/directory.
There are several command du that can be used, including:
With this command, you can view the entire folder down to the sub folders.
du -h
You can view the entire contents of a folder and its sub folders, with additional information on the size of the folder.
du -sh
Using this command will immediately provide information on the space usage of a folder on the VPS.
du -sh*
You can also add the (*) option to see the list or folder in a directory and know the size of the file or folder.

du –help
To find out other commands, you can use this command. Please use it to check according to your VPS needs.

By knowing the details of space usage on the file system or directory, VPS management is expected to be more optimal. Knowing the Processes Running on the VPS Server To find out the processes that are running on the VPS, you can use the following commands:
This one command functions to find out the task manager that is running on the VPS server. Later, you can see information such as server load, server UP duration, CPU usage, and so on.
Similar to the top command, htop functions to monitor memory usage, how much swap is used, the amount of CPU that is running, monitor running applications, and how long the server has been running.
The iftop command is used to find out and monitor bandwidth usage on the network in real time. The following is a display when running the iftop command on a VPS server.

ps -aux
This command will list every process running on the VPS system. In addition, it can also see other information such as the current CPU and RAM usage of each process. Also, commands that have child processes.
mysqladmin processlist
With this command, you can see a MySQL process that is running on the VPS server. You can monitor whether a running process has an error or not.
Here's an example of reading a MySQL process:
Id thread 962057
User database vinusgal_wp987 sedang melakukan akses ke database vinusgal_wp987 namun tidak melakukan query database apapun.
Id thread 962073
User database gerind13 sedang melakukan akses ke database gerind13_gerindrajabar dengan menjalankan query ke suatu table pada database tersebut.
By running some of the commands above, you are expected to know the processes that are running, so that you can take the necessary actions so that VPS management remains stable. Hopefully you can understand how to find out the processes running on a VPS Server.
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