Enabling SSL in Plesk

Enabling SSL in Plesk is very easy. Make sure your Plesk version has been updated to the latest version, namely Plesk Obsidian or the stable version, Plesk Onyx. Make sure you have added your website to your Plesk first.

SSL/TLS Support option

In the Hosting Settings menu make sure the support SSL option is marked.

This section of the menu should also be checked.

Then click OK.

Let's Encrypt

Select the Let's Encrypt menu in your account's hosting options.

Then fill in some data that must be completed for SSL activation requirements. Enter the email address that will be notified about SSL whether it is renewed, broken or expired.

Before you continue, make sure the DNS record that will be equipped with SSL has been directed IP to the relevant Plesk server.

Check the option:

  • Include the "www" ...
  • Secure webmail ...

Gambar di atas adalah contoh SSL di Plesk yang sudah ada dan di renew (perbarui). Sedangkan untuk yang baru atau pertama kali kurang lebih interfacenya sama saja.

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