You can change the primary contact email in Exabytes Indonesia. Primary contact is basically the highest authority holder of the administration of an account. So make sure this primary contact email must be entered correctly and the right email (person). Basically, account changes or Administration changes will be notified to the primary contact email.
- Please login to your customer area first. If you forget your password, use the Forgot Password feature.
- When you are logged in, click on the top right of Edit Account Details.
- In the My Details section, make sure to fill in the data correctly and can be accounted for. In the Email Address column, make sure to fill in your email correctly and validly. Make sure to avoid typos or wrong letters.
- Then if it has been changed in My Details, then you can change it in Your Profile
- And please change the Email Address, in the field listed
- Always check the email that has been entered if the letters are correct. If you think it is correct, click Save Changes.