How do I Resize Disk Post Upgrade?

This guide was created for how to customize disks after a Linux VPS upgrade plan.

Login as Root

First login as root first. Then check your server resources. You can use putty to log into your server.

Resources Checking

To find out the current memory, use free -mlh

As for the current number of disks, use df -h

In resource checking, the available ram is most likely not as full as it could be. For example, if there is 2GB of ram, it will probably only show 1.9 GB. Likewise with disk space, if there is 100GB then it will usually look like maybe 97GB.

Resize Disk

Basically after the upgrade, resources such as RAM and vCPU will change immediately, but not disks. From the server side, it must be resized and change the disk block. This can be done by logging in as root on the vps in question, then running the following command:

resize2fs /dev/vda1

Then check your disk space once again. It should update immediately.

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