- Install with the yum install firewalld command
- Then enable with the systemctl enable firewalld command
- Start the service with the systemctl start firewalld command
- To check whether it is running or not, you can use the systemctl status firewalld or firewall-cmd --state command.
- After that, check, the default zone used with the firewall-cmd --get-default-zone command and the active zones with the firewall-cmd --get-active-zones command.
- Then to add a port to be opened, you can use the firewall-cmd command --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8288/tcp
- After adding the service, it needs to be restarted with the firewall-cmd --reload command or systemctl restart firewalld.
- To check the results of the configuration / rule that has just been added, you can use the command firewall-cmd --list-all
- Furthermore, you can test from outside the server with the telnet command to the server port