Guide on How to Remove perfctl maleware on Linux VPS

How to remove perfctl maleware

Here's a simple way to remove perfctl maleware on Linux OS servers

  1. First we also check if there are any strange commands in crontab -e. If there are strange things, then we should just delete it.
  2. Also check if this file exists, if it does then please delete it completely.
    rm /usr/bin/perfcc
    rm /root/.config/cron/perfcc
    rm /etc/cron.*/perfclean
    rm /etc/cron.*/perfcc reboot

  3. Not only that, sometimes perfcc files are in other locations too. You can check with the command
     locate perfcc.

How to prevent maleware

There are many ways to prevent maleware / viruses from nesting on our server. But we also need to monitor every time because the development of technology is also increasingly new types of maleware appearing. Therefore, it is very important to use a VPS management service where experts such as system administrators will help your server stay safe regularly.

For tools used to secure the server, you can use such as:

  • Antivirus software like immunify260 (paid)
  • Firewalls like CSF or Fail2Ban, or you can even utilize SELinux and Linux's built-in firewalld.
  • If your source code is web-based, then enable php hardening.
  • Maldet for scanning scripts looking for the presence of maleware.


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