How to Increase VPS Server Security to Prevent Hacking

What is VPS?

Before discussing how to improve VPS server security, let's first recognize what a VPS is and its various benefits.

VPS hosting is a type of hosting where multiple users can use one server together with the same hosting provider. Some of the advantages of VPS hosting are:

  • Accessible from anywhere
  • Provide allocation bandwidth certain for each user so that VPS performance will not be affected by other users' servers like a shared hosting. Also check out some comparisons shared hosting vs VPS in the following article.
  • Absolute control to install any application as needed.

Can a VPS be Hacked?

No system is 100% free from this risk, but administrators can reduce the risk to the lowest possible level to avoid the threat. VPS operating systems, especially Linux, are generally secure, but vulnerabilities arise when users misconfigure the system, add software carelessly, or accidentally download and install malware locally. When the system changes, the risk increases or decreases depending on what is changed.

Therefore, it is important to maintain and improve the security of the VPS server that you manage to avoid these threats.

How to Increase VPS Server Security Easily

While the risk of hacking is inevitable, we can minimize it from happening. Check out the tips and ways to improve VPS server security below!

1. Implementing Good Passwords

A password policy is always required for every user who has access to resources. However, it is not uncommon for website owners to use passwords that are weak and can be easily guessed using brute force

Enforcing long and complex password requirements is one simple step that can help improve VPS server security.

Usually, a good password should fulfill the following conditions:

Syarat Kata Sandi yang Baik
Berisi setidaknya 10 karakter dan 12 karakter untuk akses ke data yang sangat sensitif
Berisi setidaknya 1 karakter numerik
Berisi minimal 1 karakter khusus
Berisi huruf kapital dan huruf kecil

Always make sure not to use the same password over and over again - everything on the system that requires a password should have a unique password. Also, it would be best to change it regularly, say once every three weeks.

2. Keep the Operating System Updated

The longer the operating system is left unupdated, the more room for hackers to attack. Therefore, schedule server updates regularly to optimize VPS performance and performance.

3. Update Software Periodically

As explained earlier, the operating system is one of the vital points in continuing to maintain VPS security. This is also no exception to the software updates that run on it.

Updates are performed to address security issues involving software installed on the system, such as identifying bugs.

You can update the software manually or automatically. Updating software in a timely manner will reduce the chances of hackers exploiting open vulnerabilities.

In addition to updating your server-side software, if you also use a CMS (Content Management System), be sure to monitor for updates and install them as soon as the latest version is available.

4. User Access Control

In a bid for VPS security, you can also limit how access is distributed. In other words, you can customize the area in which each user can operate.
For example, your VPS is used by multiple users. Here, you can decide to restrict their access to prevent affecting resource usage and protect sensitive data.

5. Disabling Root Login

Generally, every server especially Linux has root as the username, so hackers try to use brute force to crack the password and gain access.

By disabling login from the user's root name, it can increase another layer of protection as it can prevent hackers from guessing hidden passwords.

But before disabling the root account and creating a new username, make sure that your non-root user has been created and matches the required permission level.

6. Monitor Log Server

Both the hosting provider administrator and the website owner should always be active in monitoring. In monitoring the server, certain events can be logged, such as authentication failures, failed uploads, errors, and several other errors.

Then, these logs can be used in analysis and reports that can provide administrators with detailed information about the activities happening on the server. By monitoring resource usage, traffic, and user activity, whenever a problem occurs, you'll be ready to deal with it.

The hosting provider's administrators can monitor activity on their servers to ensure that the website owner's site is safe, but the website owner must also monitor the site he or she manages. This will narrow down the opportunities for hackers to steal data.

7. Ensure the Server is Protected from Malware

In addition to setting up a firewall that keeps traffic in, you also need to consider monitoring the files that have been and are being uploaded to the VPS.

This is why website owners need the best anti-virus software on their VPS server. Besides being a good way to detect suspicious activity, anti-virus can also help you sort out unwanted files.

8. Disabling Unused Network Ports

Hackers usually target open port networks and other unused network services. Unused and open network ports also pose a great risk to VPS server security.

You can check which ports are currently open with the nestat command. This command will also show which ports are associated with which system services.

Select unused network ports and set them up with iptables which is a rule-based firewall that can be used to close open ports. You can also use the chkconfig command to disable unwanted services.

9. Using a Firewall

Besides disabling certain features and switching to better protocols, you can also improve the security of your VPS server by installing and configuring other additional programs, such as firewall

A firewall is basically like a server gatekeeper, authorized to allow or deny access to the system. Firewalls restrict unwanted traffic on VPS servers, block specific IP addresses, help close unused ports, and protect against other types of cyber attacks.

10. Prioritize Backup

Not just for VPS, creating backups is essential for any type of hosting in general. While most hosting providers create customized backups for their users or offer additional services in this regard, it's also a good idea to do your own backups regularly. Ideally, backups should be done off the server and in a different location, just in case something goes wrong on the server.

You certainly don't want to lose data that can damage your reputation, trust, especially when confidential client information is at stake, right?

11. Prevent Anonymous FTP Uploading

cPanel and Plesk disable the anonymous FTP upload feature by default. However, other related settings are usually enabled beforehand.

Allowing other users to upload via FTP increases the security risk tremendously, as it allows anyone to upload whatever they want to the web server. Like giving the keys to a thief, this is highly discouraged.

To disable anonymous uploads, you can change the FTP server configuration settings. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Login to cPanel.

Step 2: In the Files section, select the Anonymous FTP icon.

Step 3: Under FTP Controls, uncheck both the Allow anonymous access and Allow anonymous uploads boxes..

Step 4: Save settings.

12. Menginstall Rootkit Scanner

Rootkits are one of the most dangerous malware applications. They can invade and take control of servers, run other malware on your operating system, and even disable any antivirus applications. To stop rootkits or detect them if they are plaguing your server, you can install a rootkit scanner.

Removing rootkits is more difficult than removing typical malware because they are integrated with the operating system and sometimes cannot be detected by standard anti-malware services. The worst case scenario if your server is infected with a rootkit is that you may need to reinstall your operating system. It is therefore important to use the best anti-malware application to detect and stop it.

13. Using SSL (Secure Socket Layers)

Sertifikat SSL helps create an encrypted channel between the server and the user to ensure no one invades privacy.

To keep sensitive data secure, SSL certificates are essential for any type of hosting, whether it's sending files, sending emails, or entering login details. However, to properly implement an SSL certificate, some technical knowledge is required. In this case, you can purchase SSL with the best hosting providers to set things up easily!

14. Adding Server Protection with Imunify360

Securing a server and monitoring it regularly is time-consuming. That's why many business owners who use VPS don't have time to properly maintain the software and server resources from malware.

Imunify360 comes with a Linux malware scanner to monitor and remove malware. Imunify360 will monitor for suspicious activity and in many cases, can automatically clean up incoming attacks without giving the administrator a hard time. With the right server configuration, any site hosted on a VPS will be much more secure using Imunify360.

15. Enable Two-Factor Password Authentication (2FA)

Check the strength of the passwords you use and avoid using passwords that are too simple. Also, don't use different passwords for different accounts and try to create unique passwords.

Enabling 2FA authentication to protect your account can keep your data safe from someone trying to reset your password.

16. Choose the Right VPS Hosting Provider

Customers rely on hosting providers to keep their users' server infrastructure secure. However, not all hosting providers treat security like it's their top priority. To improve the security of your VPS server, you need to choose your Best VPS hosting provider wisely.

For example, Exabytes Indonesia has a leading reputation both in terms of service and VPS prices that are very affordable.

17. Using Brute-Force Attack Protection

Brute-force is a threat that involves penetrating hundreds or even thousands of password guesses to bypass a login system.

This type of attack is still the most popular method used by hackers due to its high effectiveness.

You can use the available Brute-Force Attack Protection to thwart login attempts and block the IP Address of the hacker so that they will certainly not be able to try to login again.

Ready to Improve VPS Server Security?

Whether you're using shared hosting, VPS Indonesia, or a dedicated server, security should still be top of mind. This includes creating passwords that are difficult to guess, enabling 2FA authentication where possible, avoiding the use of unauthorized software, and avoiding opening email attachments from unknown people. Staying vigilant is key!

VPS provides the best hosting needs for growing businesses. But like all other hosting solutions, hosting owners also need to protect and enhance the security of the VPS servers they use.

Good luck!

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