/usr/local/lsws/Example/html/ : Change with your website's root directory
contohdomain.com : Change to the domain name you want to install SSL
After running the above command, you will be asked to fill in some information, among others,
Email Address : Please fill in your email address
Select Y on Terms Of Service
Select Y/N regarding sharing email address to the Electornic Frontier Foundation
Once completed, you will get the SSL Certificate location information as follows.
Certificate is saved at : /path/fullchain.pem Key is saved at : /path/privkey.pem
Please save the Certificate and Key path obtained, because it will be used later during configuration in OpenLiteSpeed.
3. OpenLiteSpeed Configuration
After you get the Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate. The next step is to configure your OpenLiteSpeed. Here are the steps.
Login to LiteSpeed WebAdmin Consol via the URL https://ipvps/7080
Enter the Listener Menu, and add a Listener by clicking the + button as shown below:
Next, you will be asked to fill in some information in the Address Settings. Please fill in the following information:
Listener Name : Fill in the Listener Name that you want to create
IP Address : ANY IPv4
Port : 443
Enable REUSERPORT : Not Set
Secure : Yes
After completing, please save the configuration by clicking the save logo.
After finishing creating the Listener, please edit the newly created Listener as shown below,
Next, on the General tab, please add Virtual Host Mapping by clicking +,
In the Virtual Host Mapping settings, please fill in the following information,
Virtual Host : Select Virtual Host domain
Domains : Fill with Domain Name
Once done, please save the settings.
Next please go to the SSL tab, and edit the SSL Private Key & Certificate.
Please fill in some information as follows,
Private Key File : Please fill in the path or location of the Private Key file obtained when generating the Certificate
Certificate File : Fill in the path or location of the SSL Certificate File
Chained Certificate : Yes
When you have finished completing, please save the configuration.
After completing the configuration, please restart the LiteSpeed Service by clicking the green logo as shown below,
Please access your domain name in a browser using https to ensure successful configuration. If it can be accessed with https as shown below, it means that the configuration has been completed.
Renew SSL Let’s Encrypt
The validity period of the Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate is up to 90 days. To extend SSL, you can run the following command,