Pemasangan aplikasi Candy CBT pada Windows Server 2019 membutuhkan Laragon, dimana sudah support beberapa aplikasi LAMP dan tambahan software lain. Laragon saat ini hanya tersedia di Windows.
Keep in mind, this version of the tutorial is to create an Open Source CBT Candy that is Development. This means that it can only be accessed on localhost, without advanced settings and still using the default root database.
Laragon can be downloaded from
Then install Laragon. Wait for it to finish.
When finished, run Laragon so that the web server can run. Click Start All.
The default port is 80 when Apache is started.
By default, the Laragon installation is in C:\laragon\ and the public html is in C:\laragon\www
Then change the name of index.php to index.php-old. Then select Yes.
To support Laragon, install the runtime environment for Windows Server. Download versi 2019 x64.
Another component that must be paired is Net. Framework. Download .Net Framework.
After all the components are installed, then install Candy CBT. You can install Candy CBT from repository Candy CBT github to latest version.
Once downloaded, then extract the Candy CBT file. You can use 7zip to extract the file.
Move the extracted file to the Laragon public folder at C:\laragon\www You can use the cut folder as below
And then paste it in the destination folder
The final result will look like this.
Then go to the Candy CBT folder that has been pasted to see the file list. Then move all the contents of the file from C:\laragon\www\candycbt-2.8\ to C:\laragon\www\
The final result after all the side files have been moved looks like this.
Then open localhost/install.php on the server's browser. You will see the home page of Candy CBT.
At first start, the database in Candy CBT has not been created at all. Therefore, you can click Create to create the database.
Then you change the name of the install.php file to something else to avoid unwanted things.
When you open the localhost portal on a sever browser, it will lead to the login as below.
Congratulations, it is now accessible. To create a user and password configuration you can ask the Candy School Software developer or create it yourself from the database.