Mail Delivery Failed : Message contained spam content

If you are sending an email and got bounce back like this :

Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data : 550 Message contained spam content

Then here is what you should do:

Firstable, you need to understand that all bounce back message has a reason why it's bounce back. So you need to check it carefully what it does.

Here is the example:

If you take a look picture above, see the underlined in red colour. Yes, it does have 550 code error as well the details. It said that message contained spam content.

In this case we need to check once again your current email content. Make sure there are no spam content of your email.

There are some category why your email marked as spam content :

  1. There are too many various MIME types.
  2. There are too many pictures. Signature image also considered as one.
  3. You might accidently give a URL that marked as spam due to its nasty history.
  4. There might be some words that identified as spam content.
  5. Your attachment file might be considered as spam content.

So what you need to do is fix your email content, and try again to resend.

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