How to Migrate between servers from cpanel to plesk with Plesk Migrator

What is Plesk Migrator?

Plesk Migrator is an additional application that has been provided by the Plesk panel to make it easier for you to migrate hosting accounts between servers. The advantage of migrating using Plesk Migrator is that you can migrate from servers with panels other than Plesk. Plesk Migrator supports migration from cPanel and DirectAdmin Panel servers.


  • Have a VPS with a Plesk panel with root access.
  • Have a VPS with a cPanel panel with root access.

Here are the steps:

1. First, please log in to the Plesk panel of your VPS server.

2. If the plesk server you have has not installed Plesk Migrator, please install Plesk Migrator via the Extensions menu > Extensions Catalog > Server Tools > search for Plesk Migrator then click install.

3. If Plesk Migrator is already installed, please continue the hosting account migration process through the Extensions > My Extensions > Plesk Migrator menu > Click Open.

4. After entering the Plesk Migrator Application, please select the cPanel panel type because the migration you want to practice from a server with a cPanel panel.

5. If you have selected the cPanel panel, please fill in the required data as follows:

  • Address : cPanel server IP side
  • Root Login : please fill in root (server access user)
  • Authorization : Choose User/password
  • Root password : please fill in the cPanel server access root password
  • SSH port : fill in the cPanel server access ssh port used (default port 22)
  • Temp directory : leave default

After filling in the complete data then click Prepare migration.

6. After the Prepare migration process is successful, you can choose the hosting account you want to migrate by checking the list of domains in the Subscription section.

7. After checking the list of hosting accounts that you want to migrate, please check all again in the Content that must be transferred section then click Migrate.

When checking all on Content that must be transferred, the data that is moved is website script data, database and email data.

8. After clicking Migrate, the hosting account data migration will be processed. Please monitor the process and wait until it is complete.

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