IP Blocked by TrustPositif

If your website, or server IP address got blocked by Trustpositif, you may need to check first within their checker. You can submit your website or IP address via https://trustpositif.kominfo.go.id/

TrustPositif is an initiative by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) to block access to websites and content that are considered harmful or inappropriate.

Here are list of reasons why your IP blocked by TrustPositif (Kominfo) :
- If your IP address is associated with malicious activities or security threats, it could be blocked to protect other users.
- TrustPositif enforces compliance with local regulations and guideline.
- If your IP address was used to access websites or content that are on the TrustPositif blocklist, it might get blocked.

There are some cases that blocked has been deployed and the website owner or server owner not notified yet. If you wish your website or server IP restored, then you need to fill some fields here : https://trustpositif.kominfo.go.id/normalisasi

There are 2 types of form. First, form pernyataan and second form surat pemohon. You need to download both of forms and fill necessary fields and submit to email [email protected]Please take a note that Exabytes Indonesia does not have any ability to delist your website or server IP address. They way we helped other is exactly what we inform you as we also need to fill the form as well.

Usually you need to wait up to few days before your website/ and IP server will be checked.

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